| Your PrivacyWe'll keep things simple...We take extra steps to ensure your privacy is fully protected. Our site operates on a full secure server, so any information that is entered anywhere on this site is private. Whether you're browsing our site or placing an order, rest assured any page you visit is safe and encrypted (padlocked) to protect your personal details. Check for the padlock symbol and 'https' in your browser as you shop our site. We are PCI certified and hold a security certificate to protect both you and ourselves. We do not store, nor do we have access to, any credit or debit card information you provide on our secure pages. Under the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we comply with protecting your personal data: name, address, telephone number and email address, using it only for the purpose of processing an order. We do not share any personal information provided by you to any third parties or to anyone for marketing purposes. We will only use your email address for the purpose of replying to an email you have sent us or if you have placed an order, to send you details / updates on your order. We do not use your email address for marketing purposes. What are Cookies? Under the EU Cookie Law, when visiting our site, small amounts of memory data, known as cookies, are placed on your desktop or mobile device via your website browser so the next time you visit, the cookie will remember your previous visit, for example, if you had previously placed an item in a basket. 'Session' cookies are used to enable you to browse from page to page, add items to the basket and to complete the checkout process. 'Functionality' cookies are used to identify your IP address for the purpose of locating your country to display the correct currency. Cookies only identify your device, not you personally. By continuing to use our website, you give consent to place cookies on your device. You have full control over how cookies are handled on your device which can be viewed, amended or deleted via your browser settings. If you have any questions at all regarding your privacy before shopping with us, please get in touch. |